My Front Door Plans Volunteer Workday

My Front Door staff and Board of Directors will be holding a volunteer workday for properties located on the south end of Colorado Ave. on August 1, 2020.

“We plan to remove some small garden structures, mow, trim, spray for weeds, level some higher spots and just general cleanup” said Dakota Metzger, Albany County Family Advocate “We can always use more help and ask that community volunteers wear hand and eye protection as well as a mask. Volunteers are also asked to register by email, work will begin at 9:30.”

 “We are preparing the site to develop affordable Community Land Trust (CLT) homes.” says Brenda Birkle, Executive Director “This year has been a challenge to say the least, but we are seeing families in our program continue to make real progress toward their homeownership goals. My Front Door is grateful to the Laramie community for their support in launching this CLT project.

Contact: Brenda Birkle, Executive Director

Number: 307-286-0736


Organization: My Front Door

Mission: To Provide Real Housing Solutions for Wyoming