Laramie, Wyoming – Due to overflow and a need to move debris the City of Laramie will be closing all branch and limb drop off sites implemented to assist with storm clean up on June 18, 2020 at 8:00am. Residents are encouraged to utilize the City of Laramie Landfill for green waste drop off at this time.
Landfill Staff will provide a pass-through lane for green waste and a closer location for drop off than typically seen in our normal operations. In addition to the operational changes the landfill will open on Sunday, June 21, 2020 from 8:00am to 4:30pm. JR Slingerland, Solid Waste Manager stated, “We had over 100 deliveries of green waste at the landfill last Sunday and we hope these extra days give our residents time to clean up following the storm.” Two solid waste staff members will be on-site that day to direct traffic coming to the landfill. “Please remind everyone that Sunday will be limited to green waste only.” Slingerland added.
Many trees and shrubs were damaged due to the heavy snow and high winds on June 8, 2020 in Laramie, Wyoming. If trees on your property or on the right-of-way abutting your property have broken limbs falling onto the street, alley or public sidewalk, and if you are able (please keep your safety in mind first), clear the limbs out of the right-of-way. Otherwise, make arrangements to have the limbs removed from the street, alley, and sidewalk. If there are any utility lines including electrical, cable, or phone that are down due to tree limb breakage, stay away from the tree limbs and downed lines, and contact the appropriate utility provider (for electrical lines 1-877-508-5088). To report non-emergent issues and downed limbs that are blocking traffic please call the dispatch non-emergency at 721-2526. In an emergency please call 911.
For more information please direct calls to the Solid Waste Division at 307.721.5279.
Storm Clean Up Reminder: Please do not place branches and limbs in the Right of Ways. Residents are responsible for safely clearing debris from their property that may have fallen across sidewalks and onto streets. Residents should collect debris on their property and transport it to the landfill.