The City of Laramie Launches COVID-19 Community Relief Fund

LARAMIE, WYOMING – In this unprecedented time, our community has banded together in solidarity to support our friends, neighbors, and small businesses. From purchasing gift cards to donating to the United Way, from crafting masks, to supporting our restaurants through the Curbside Challenge, our community is stepping up. And, still, many of our residents, including City staff have asked, what else can I do to support my community?

On May 5, 2020 the City of Laramie answered that call through launching a community-powered donation program for ongoing COVID-19 relief efforts. Your donation will initially be used to support micro grants to small businesses and, secondly, to meet other unmet needs in our community.

To donate please visit Thank you, Laramie, for your tax-deductible donation, and for all the ways in which you are helping our community to stay safe, healthy, and resilient!

For more information on the COVID-19 Community Relief Fund contact Sarah Reese, Community & Economic Initiatives Administrator at 307-721-5201 or