All membership levels include the following basic benefits:
- Business referrals
- Networking
- Member-To-Member Discounts
- Member rates for all LCBA events
- Website Business Directory Listing with link
- Advertising in e-newsletter
- Business cards in card rack* when space is available
- Health Insurance for qualifying businesses
- Opportunity to host Ribbon-Cutting/Ground-Breaking ceremonies
- Visitor/relocation packets available upon request
- Your events on our communicty calendar
- Receive all e-Newsletters
- Discount for use of LCBA Conference Room (scheduled)
- Business Listing in online and printed directories
- Job creation, community support, training and more
$310 Annual
Basic Alliance Benefits
- Business referrals/connections
- Networking opportunities
- Member-To-Member Discounts (Perk Card)
- Website Business Directory Listing with link
- Weekly e-newsletter
- Advertising in e-newsletter
- Opportunity to host Ribbon-Cutting/Ground-Breaking ceremonies
- Your events on our community calendar
- Discount for use of LCBA Conference Room (scheduled)
- Opportunity to serve on an LCBA committee
- Bianual LCBA update
- New Member recognition on website (1 month)
- Member Sticker
$515 Annual
- Basic member benefits AND:
- Opportunity to host Business After Hours
- Opportunity to include promotional items in conference bags
- Recognition with logo on website (3-Months)
$1545 Annual
- All Marketing member benefits AND:
- Enhanced listing in online directory
- Staff assistance in online directory
- Opportunity to include promotional items in LCBA Welcome Bags
$2500 Annual
- All Growth Member benefits AND:
- Facilitate customized business meetings
- Recognition with logo on website (6-Month)
- Early notification of sponsorship opportunities
$5000 Annual
- Corporate Level Benefits AND:
- Digital list of partners
- Discounted tuition for 1 participant in "Leadership Laramie"
- Recognition with logo on website (9-Months)
$10,000+ Annual
- All Pillar Level Benefits AND:
- Advertising at Leadership Luncheon series
- Mid-year update breakfast
- Advertising in LCBA quarterly economic updates
- Logo displayed in LCBA lobby
- Fees waived for use of LCBA conference room
- Annual LCBA Banquet advertising
- 1 Business After Hours event
- 2 seats to Annual Cornerstone Reception End-of-Year Update dinner
- Year round recognition with logo on website
Contact our office during business hours for immediate assistance, we look forward to hearing from you.
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm