Laramie, WY – Surveillance data indicates that thresholds have been reached to begin fogging operations to control nuisance mosquitoes. Residential fogging will begin Monday evening, June 1st, weather permitting in the west zone. Surveillance data indicates that the west zone has the greatest adult mosquito numbers and therefore will be treated first. The west zone is everything in city limits west of the railroad tracks. Applications will normally take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday for the early part of June. As temperatures rise throughout June, applications will occur between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Presently no cases of West Nile virus (WNv) have been confirmed in Albany County, and the City of Laramie currently rates the risk of infection at level 1 (Low Risk). This risk assessment is based on low numbers of vector mosquitoes and no reported WNv activity in birds or mosquitoes. Mosquito control fogging crews will be applying Zenivex E4 in residential areas, Parks, Recreation areas, and on the Laramie River Greenbelt Trail. Zenivex E4 contains a solution of 4% of the active ingredient Etofenprox with the remaining 96% being an oil based carrier. Zenivex E4 is applied at the Ultra-Low Volume of 1.5 ounces per acre. Etofenprox is a reduced risk non-ester permethrin formulation which requires no synergist.
Meteorological conditions must be in an acceptable range to allow the application of the product. Wind speeds must be above 1 mph and below 10 mph and temperatures must be above 50 F and below 90 F to meet the label requirements. Applications will not begin, and will be suspended when conditions are not in the required range. Suspended applications will normally be resumed if conditions improve during the same shift or on the following shift once conditions meet requirements.
The fogger is powered by a small gasoline engine, which constantly moves a volume of compressed air through the fogger head. The flow of chemical is controlled by the operator from within the cab. During the application of chemical the engine will run at high RPM and a fog cloud will be plainly visible. When chemical is not being applied, the engine will continue to run at a low idle RPM. Fogging trucks will operate with a continuous amber strobe light on the cab as a caution device for motorists and pedestrians.
Mosquito control application schedules will be available daily on the Mosquito Control and Integrated Pest Management Hotline at 721-5056. The Hotline is updated daily at 4pm and will also list any chemical application made by City of Laramie Parks Division crews. HOTLINE information is also available on the City of Laramie Web Page. Look for the Hotline tab at the center left of the home page. For further information contact Tyler Shevling, Mosquito Control Crew Supervisor at 721-5056 or Scott Hunter, Parks Manager at 721-5257.